Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sewing for the Boys...

For some reason, it is just not as fun to sew for the boys. I guess because the embellishments you can do for girls things are just...well...girlier. Is that a word?

When shopping, my little men just put up with my fabric addiction. It was just something they have to survive. They don't like it, but they put up with it. They do it to make me happy. Okay, it may be because I am Mom and do not give them much of a choice. And then, while doing a routine fabric run, AJ found some flame fabric and asked me to make him a wallet. Who could refuse that? TA also chose a pattern he liked and the results were these:

Simple wallets
I had to learn to do snaps for these and it was not that difficult.
I will be making more.

I know, but they are man aprons right?
What can I say? I have a problem.



I will be on the lookout to make more things for them. They were so excited when I was finished.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love that fabric! Boys don't get the same sewing attention as girls. Although Mr. Lola has been filling up my to-mend box a lot lately.