I can't tell you how much fun I have been having lately sewing. I don't know. It has just been a blast. I just finished this Capri set for Sweet Pea.
Makes me want to make another one....How many capri sets does one girl need?
I can't tell you how much fun I have been having lately sewing. I don't know. It has just been a blast. I just finished this Capri set for Sweet Pea.
The Margaret Bag
Lola, this really cool and crafty friend of mine, found this bag pattern and made herself a diaper bag. Well, when I saw it I knew I needed one too...hmmm...or maybe two too. So here they are. Holynickel's Margaret Bags...
First up the Pink one. A girl has to have a pink purse. Why you ask? Because I decided. I found this fabric and thought it would be perfect. The print is really too big for me to make into clothes for Sweet Pea. But in the bag it is wonderful....at least I think so.
Okay, I know this is a tad late. Honestly, this dress was finished for her to wear the week after Easter, but her mother forgot to take her picture.
This was supposed to be for her Easter dress, but as I was making it. I came across one that I liked better. Hence, the after Easter dress.
I have been busy sewing this weekend. First, Sweet Pea is soon the be finished with preschool. I found some super cute teacher fabric at Joann's and thought that would make the perfect gift for her teacher.