Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Capri Set

I can't tell you how much fun I have been having lately sewing. I don't know. It has just been a blast. I just finished this Capri set for Sweet Pea.


I made a mistake on the top. The pattern I was using had the option for a two tiered or three tiered top. I wanted the three tiered option. So I cut out the fabric, sewed the bottom and middle tier together and was pinning the bodice when I realized that I cut the wrong middle tier out. The middle tier was supposed to be about 5 inches shorter. What was I to do? Nothing. I just went with it. It was the best mistake I have ever made.


It fits her perfectly, and looks like it was meant to be that way.

action shot

Makes me want to make another one....How many capri sets does one girl need?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May I introduce you to.....

The Margaret Bag

Lola, this really cool and crafty friend of mine, found this bag pattern and made herself a diaper bag. Well, when I saw it I knew I needed one too...hmmm...or maybe two too. So here they are. Holynickel's Margaret Bags...

First up the Pink one. A girl has to have a pink purse. Why you ask? Because I decided. I found this fabric and thought it would be perfect. The print is really too big for me to make into clothes for Sweet Pea. But in the bag it is least I think so.


The next is for the Birds....Super adorable white birds that is with yellow flowers.


And...did you see the button? I happened to find the perfect yellow and black button. The amazing thing was that this pattern was not that difficult to do. The instructions were easy to follow. It was really surprising for me.

I know I already have 2 of these, but, you know, if the right fabric presents itself, a few more maybe in my future. can make your own Margaret Bag. Just click on the link at the top of the page and get sewing. Did I mention the tutorial is free?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sweet Pea's After Easter Dress

Okay, I know this is a tad late. Honestly, this dress was finished for her to wear the week after Easter, but her mother forgot to take her picture.

This was supposed to be for her Easter dress, but as I was making it. I came across one that I liked better. Hence, the after Easter dress.



It turned out great.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can you guess....

What this is?



Why a very eco-friendly shopping bag of course.

Now if I can just remember to use them...ugh.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two Tote Bags...

I have been busy sewing this weekend. First, Sweet Pea is soon the be finished with preschool. I found some super cute teacher fabric at Joann's and thought that would make the perfect gift for her teacher.

You have to love apples and bees. Especially as a teacher.

Then, Mothers Day. To be honest, after all of the effort that goes into the birthdays for the last two months, by Mothers' Day my brain is done. I am tired of figuring out gifts and planning parties. So after I finished the teacher bag, I made one for my Mom. It turned out super well. I was wishing I had more of this fabric.


These are easy to make and so practical. I can seem more of these in my future...for the kids, for me, for gifts...oh the possibilities.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2 new baby baskets...

I made baby baskets for Sweet Pea and her best friend E. for their birthdays.

This one was for Sweet Pea.

We also got her a baby doll to fit in it, and baby accessories for her diaper bag.

and for E.


I bought the baby basket pattern from Meg at Boutique NutMeg Designs. The quilt patterns came from the net, and the little tote was adapted from Bend the Rules Sewing by Amy Karol.